INTUITIVE CONSULTATIONS (Traditional Psychic Readings)
Some say that this is what I do best. Since my earliest memory, I have experienced an incredible variety of sensations from the natural and phenomenal world, without question, as an infinite field of information available to anyone who listens. I have built these natural skills of feeling, sensing, and knowing into a very strong range of full-sense perceptual abilities. I offer my clients everything from one hour Tarot readings to two-hour intuitive consulting appointments, and at the widest end of the spectrum, Archangel Channeling. People frequently call me when they are facing immediate, specific daily life choices ~ they need perspective, and practical assistance. It is also possible to review your entire life and eternal nature across time. This naturally depends upon each client's world view.
What is that? Contacting Archangels is an ancient practice. It may be explained by a variety of sound and practical world views. I do not tell my clients how to think or how to view their worlds spiritually. They tell me what they believe and seek, and my practice is respectful and adaptive. One person might say that an Archangel Communication is really my own brain, higher brainwaves and bandwidths not consciously used in daily life, to which I have developed access. Others will be comfortable with a belief in direct communication with Archangels. What really matters is whether you receive practical perspective and useful, productive, transforming benefit. My clients say that they do.
No one knows! I will tell you this ~ after thinking it through carefully for over twenty years, I really do believe that I am channeling Archangels. I am a practical, somewhat cynical, critical and cautious person~ common sense matters to me. I cannot explain what is happening except on the basis of my own experience, something no outside party can validate. There is a hostile newspaper critic inside me which does not easily accept that Archangels exist and are talking through me~ it just seems too much like a fantasy. However, when I finish reviewing every analysis and objection, I do believe that I am actually, directly, communicating with Archangels. I am a strong person, in touch with myself directly, happy to express my own opinions on my own behalf~ I do not need to pretend to be an Archangel to get my point across. However, I have practiced a wide variety of interior states for decades now, and know what they feel like. When I channel Archangels, I experience the energy as a living external being of consistency, practical intelligence, and benevolence, which is smarter than I am. That is my actual experience.
I have strong standards, and I consistently achieve practical, helpful results. Moreover, in my view these results measure from much higher perspective than general cultural or social fashion, or consensus opinion. I have examined many world views and world philosophical and spiritual systems in depth, including atheism and chaos theory. I am familiar with the most recent psychological models which might explain phenomena.
Nonetheless, my direct, consistent, extensive experience tells me that Archangels exist, respond to my inquiries, and are extremely reliable and consistent over time. I have absolute confidence in them, based on results, and on my personal experience of them as living beings with a recognizable wholism, consistent response patterns, styles, and techniques. They understand us, know us across eternity, and understand space, time, and the grand design in the incredible hugeness of reality, beyond anything we could imagine. They are willing to talk to us, and to help us. I find that amazing. I am deeply honored, and deeply appreciative. The Archangels will counsel anyone, anyone at all, without the typical judgments made by average people and societies, and they do so with love and brilliant practical assistance, much beyond my skill. It feels like a miracle to me, each and every time.
When I see my clients the way that the Archangels see them, I am consistently surprised and sometimes even shocked~ it becomes obvious to me that most of us live by unnecessary and egotistical judgments, which really do not pertain. Archangels are fair. They are also emphatic, decisive, and very direct.
If you would like to learn how to contact Archangels yourself, intelligently, responsibly, ethically, credibly, and helpfully, get in touch with me.
I have been teaching students privately and in small groups, since 2004.
I have a formal protocol which works, and have trained close to 200 Archangel Messengers. Contact me for details.
Some say that this is what I do best. Since my earliest memory, I have experienced an incredible variety of sensations from the natural and phenomenal world, without question, as an infinite field of information available to anyone who listens. I have built these natural skills of feeling, sensing, and knowing into a very strong range of full-sense perceptual abilities. I offer my clients everything from one hour Tarot readings to two-hour intuitive consulting appointments, and at the widest end of the spectrum, Archangel Channeling. People frequently call me when they are facing immediate, specific daily life choices ~ they need perspective, and practical assistance. It is also possible to review your entire life and eternal nature across time. This naturally depends upon each client's world view.
What is that? Contacting Archangels is an ancient practice. It may be explained by a variety of sound and practical world views. I do not tell my clients how to think or how to view their worlds spiritually. They tell me what they believe and seek, and my practice is respectful and adaptive. One person might say that an Archangel Communication is really my own brain, higher brainwaves and bandwidths not consciously used in daily life, to which I have developed access. Others will be comfortable with a belief in direct communication with Archangels. What really matters is whether you receive practical perspective and useful, productive, transforming benefit. My clients say that they do.
No one knows! I will tell you this ~ after thinking it through carefully for over twenty years, I really do believe that I am channeling Archangels. I am a practical, somewhat cynical, critical and cautious person~ common sense matters to me. I cannot explain what is happening except on the basis of my own experience, something no outside party can validate. There is a hostile newspaper critic inside me which does not easily accept that Archangels exist and are talking through me~ it just seems too much like a fantasy. However, when I finish reviewing every analysis and objection, I do believe that I am actually, directly, communicating with Archangels. I am a strong person, in touch with myself directly, happy to express my own opinions on my own behalf~ I do not need to pretend to be an Archangel to get my point across. However, I have practiced a wide variety of interior states for decades now, and know what they feel like. When I channel Archangels, I experience the energy as a living external being of consistency, practical intelligence, and benevolence, which is smarter than I am. That is my actual experience.
I have strong standards, and I consistently achieve practical, helpful results. Moreover, in my view these results measure from much higher perspective than general cultural or social fashion, or consensus opinion. I have examined many world views and world philosophical and spiritual systems in depth, including atheism and chaos theory. I am familiar with the most recent psychological models which might explain phenomena.
Nonetheless, my direct, consistent, extensive experience tells me that Archangels exist, respond to my inquiries, and are extremely reliable and consistent over time. I have absolute confidence in them, based on results, and on my personal experience of them as living beings with a recognizable wholism, consistent response patterns, styles, and techniques. They understand us, know us across eternity, and understand space, time, and the grand design in the incredible hugeness of reality, beyond anything we could imagine. They are willing to talk to us, and to help us. I find that amazing. I am deeply honored, and deeply appreciative. The Archangels will counsel anyone, anyone at all, without the typical judgments made by average people and societies, and they do so with love and brilliant practical assistance, much beyond my skill. It feels like a miracle to me, each and every time.
When I see my clients the way that the Archangels see them, I am consistently surprised and sometimes even shocked~ it becomes obvious to me that most of us live by unnecessary and egotistical judgments, which really do not pertain. Archangels are fair. They are also emphatic, decisive, and very direct.
If you would like to learn how to contact Archangels yourself, intelligently, responsibly, ethically, credibly, and helpfully, get in touch with me.
I have been teaching students privately and in small groups, since 2004.
I have a formal protocol which works, and have trained close to 200 Archangel Messengers. Contact me for details.