Tarot Theory is one of my original learning systems and adventure processes, and also a certification program. Since this is how I think of and describe myself in certain professional and creative contexts, I decided to introduce the concept and offer it as an educational process, or re-education, for our progress as creative people living beyond expectations.
We use the structure of Tarot to learn how to think differently, independently of training and cultural conditioning, for truly creative invention as living beings. Tarot Theory is a way of exiting standard thought patterns learned from earliest childhood, to reach the outer boundary of our usual problem-solving and invention habits. A Tarot Theorist is a person who has learned to redefine structure and thinking so that it moves beyond the pre-thought, taught inhibitions of a lifetime. By reassigning Suit meanings, category relationships within the Tarot deck, and practical patterns of use, we really explore options in brand new ways, for more joyful living. |
Magnificent interpretation of The Stars
is from the Burning Serpent Oracle, by Robert Place. Rare but obtainable, it is available through his website. Click the image to go to his site. Used by permission. |